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Maid Name:
Indonesian maid
Experience: Transfer maid
Indonesian Transfer maid
English: (Little)
Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia: (Good)
Place Of Birth:
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Marital Status:
Number of Children:
Expected Salary

Employment Record

From To Country Employer Main Duties Remark
2013 2014 Singapore Chinese family 4 in the family (Maam,Sir,Ahma & 4 yo chil) She take care of the 4yo child. General housework and Cooking 1month- Cant handle the job/adjustment period
2014 2014 Singapore Malay family General housework and Cooking (HDB). Take care of 12, 8 yo children 8months - employer lost job/cant pay salary
2014 2024 Singapore Malay family 9 in the family (Condo) General housework and Cooking. Take care of the children, she take care the 10yrs old child since newborn. Send and fetch children to school (Now ages of children -14yo twins, 13, 12 and 10 yrs old) Sept 2014-Jul 2024 Finished contract/no need helper

Maid Skills

Areas of Work Willingness Experience Evaluation Comments
Care of infants/children  
Care of elderly  
Care of disabled  
General housework  
Maid Introduction
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Maid Agency: Nanyang Maids Agency Pte. Ltd
(License No.: 19C9817 13C9100)
Maid agency:
Address: 3151 Commonwealth Ave West, #01-25,,
Grantral Mall,
Singapore 129581
Tel: 88115592 / 87562831 / 87779817
Email: Maid Agency Email 
Contact Person: Na Di (87779817) / Glenn (88115592)
Handphone: 88115592 (Ms Glenn) or 87779817 (Ms Nadi)
Office Hour: Monday to Sunday: 10 AM to 9 PM
WhatsApp : 8777 9817
WhatsApp : 8811 5592
WhatsApp : 8756 2831
WeChat 微信: Nanyangmaids

Last updated on 31-07-2024.
Maid Agency:
Nanyang Maids Agency Pte. Ltd
Contact Person:
Na Di (87779817) / Glenn (88115592)
88115592 (Ms Glenn) or 87779817 (Ms Nadi)
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